
Don’t Be Afraid To Make Mistakes

If you want to speak English fluently then the first thing you have to fix in your mind is that don’t be afraid of making mistakes you make during your speaking just speak what comes in your mind don’t think what others will say. At the starting of your speaking, your goal should be only to speak either it is right or wrong not to speak perfect English, with right tenses, grammar, vocabulary, etc. Don’t think that if I made a mistake what others will say even sometimes native English speakers also make mistakes! So start speaking either right or wrong don’t be afraid of what people will say, forget about all those things which create interruption for you to speak. If you give more time to think about what other will say, is this right, if I speak wrong then what about my impression, is this right time to speak, should I prepare grammar, tenses, vocabulary and make it perfect and then go to speaking part, then it is going to very difficult for you to speak.if you give these time for speaking then surely on the day you will speak English very fluently. So go ahead and start speaking.

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