
Learn English For a Specific Situation

The first time I was going to take admission in English medium school in class 6th I was so afraid that what they will ask and how will I answer them without knowing a little bit good English because at that time my English was not good at all either it was grammar or tenses or speaking. So I spent 10 days before the admission on English, in which I sharpen my some English part like Grammar, tenses, and some time also on speaking English in front of the mirror and finally I went to School for my admission and I gave an answer to their questions that too in English which was not very good but was good to some extent. There are times where people learn English for the specific reason for ex-They have an interview and they want to prepare themselves for an interview, give their best and that exactly the reason why they want to learn English or probably they are planning for a holiday to Singapore or maybe they are planning to go for speech and public speaking, social gathering, that exactly the reason why they want to learn English. So if you are preparing for a particular situation and learning English then it is great too because learning usually helps. So if you have a social gathering or probably you just having an interview then go for it means to learn English for a specific situation that also helps you to learn English.

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