
Learn English For a Specific Situation

The first time I was going to take admission in English medium school in class 6th I was so afraid that what they will ask and how will I answer them without knowing a little bit good English because at that time my English was not good at all either it was grammar or tenses […]


Learn Through English Movies and Songs

Listening to English songs and watching English Movies can be a great idea for you to improve your English speaking Skill. So listening to English songs which can be of your favorite singer and singing along with that song can be a great idea, it connects so well what we are talking about, it maintains […]


Work on English Fluency, Don’t Focus Much On Grammar

One should work on their fluency and not focus on grammar and it is a great idea because grammar is such a boring part and by more focusing, on it, we just get bored and lose focus towards the main thing that is speaking skill. Do you think people are gonna ask you that ‘Hey […]


Talk To Yourself

Talking to yourself can be more beneficial for you.when we talk to ourselves we are trying to see things more objectively and also your self-confidence gets better. when we talking to ourselves negatively then the outcome will be negative and when the self-talk is neutral as in the statement like ‘what do I need to […]


Think In English

Thinking in English is pretty important because it helps you in fluency and ones it becomes your habit then you will get small improvements daily and these small improvements will get stored in your memory and will help you a lot. I know you have questions like How to think? what are the processes behind […]


Don’t Be Afraid To Make Mistakes

If you want to speak English fluently then the first thing you have to fix in your mind is that don’t be afraid of making mistakes you make during your speaking just speak what comes in your mind don’t think what others will say. At the starting of your speaking, your goal should be only […]


Boost Up Your English Speaking Skill

Anywhere you want to go to the world you can find someone who speaks English because as we all know that nowadays English is very popular and important for everyone and it’s also an international language. Education is very important to improve yourself but learning English also improves the quality of life and quality of […]